While I may not have actually painted or drawn an original artwork every day, and may not have even made it into the studio, when I look back at what I've actually accomplished, I'm astounded! I chose to voluntarily participate in artist Leah Piken Kolidas' Art Every Day Month 2015 challenge. Looking back over the month and seeing my paintings in one place, I'm amazed by the number of works I've created in a short period.
Caring for two young kids, a husband who is traveling out of state three days a week, and my teaching schedule has not been easy. Some days are harder then others and I wonder why I do this to myself. But, at the end of the day, or in this case, the month, the fruits of my labor (as well as the growth in my kids and special time we've spent celebrating 7th and 40th birthdays, Thanksgiving, and more) has been worth it. I know when I've been painting, drawing, or creating in my studio, I'm a happier mom, artist, wife, and all around person. And, even if I'm not creating my own work in the studio, every day I am creating for my kids and my students. But this was a month dedicated to my own growth in my artwork. I still have more work to do for my upcoming solo show at Hat City Kitchen, slated to open on December 14th. But I feel more confident than ever in my ability to meet my goals in the studio. Thank you to Leah and the community that she has developed that helped keep me accountable, and to my husband and kids for understanding the late nights and weekend work time. If you're in the NJ area on December 14th, please consider joining me for my opening of my first solo show in several years, over a delicious Cajun-style meal at Orange's Hat City Kitchen, in the Valley Arts District.
My 2016 Calendar, featuring new work I created this year, retails for $16.50. Now through CyberMonday, purchase for only $14.85 and get FREE SHIPPING thru my online store. Use Code FREESHIPPING at checkout. I will be donating 10% of my profits to Dining for Women, which helps support women and children in developing countries. Enjoy free shipping on all of your purchases through my web site store now through Cyber Monday! I have a selection of 2016 Calendars, Reusable ART Bags, a selection of Small Works, plus ARTaments, my handpainted ornaments. If there is something you see in my portfolio that is not listed in my store, send me an email about purchasing. Use Code FREESHIPPING at checkout. Save 15% on prints thru Monday at Fine Art America. Find an assortment of my works that you can purchase as prints on paper, canvas, metal, phone cases, tote bags, pillows, note cards. I've been very pleased with the quality of their printing. If there's something in my portfolio that's not available at Fine Art America, email me and I can see about adding it! Use Discount Code: ASBTFH at checkout thru Monday. Can you imagine the couple's face when they learn they will be receiving their sweetest wedding memory? You can now purchase a selection of standard size Wedding Cake Portraits from weddingcakeportraits.com. If you're intending to give as a gift this December, I will send you or the recipient directly, a linen note card in a box with a bow announcing the commissioning of their very own Wedding Cake Portrait. More options are available if you contact me directly. Pricing is already adjusted to indicate the 10% off thru Monday.
There is still just about half of November left to enjoy my 2nd month offering a free downloadable desktop calendar featuring my newest work, November Birthday Cake. Inspired by the cake baked by my 7-year old for his own birthday, this new watercolor plays with circles and stripes, and incorporates my husband's grandmother's vintage taffeta apron. This month also marks my husband's 40th and we just spent the weekend celebrating with a surprise party. So Happy Birthday Joel and Lee, and to all of my followers, may you enjoy the cake! And, don't forget you can still purchase my 2016 TraillWorks Calendar (a full color, gift-able printed calendar) from my web site! ![]()
Register early for an opportunity to participate in a free adult drawing workshop at the West Orange Public Library! On Thursday, November 19th, I'll be simplifying the art of drawing through demos and exercises aimed to make drawing accessible and understandable. Not everyone can draw a stick figure, but you can learn!
My experience and background teaching drawing stem from many influences, in particular partly from Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, as well as from former artists, Nancy Bossert, Jerome Witkin, Gary Trento, and illustrator John Thompson. I'm grateful to the NJ State Council of the Arts / Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts and administered by the Essex County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs, as well as the West Orange Arts Council for funding this free workshop series: Art for Everyone. Space is limited. Registration can be done through the library website: wopl.org or by calling 973-736-0198. Whoo hoo! The annual calendar featuring my recent artworks is back! After a 3-year hiatus, I'm happy to say I've been much more productive this year and can now offer this great gift item. Perfect for art lovers, cooks, chefs, lovers of food and of the kitchen! This year's calendar is the same popularly portable size of 8.5" x 5.5" (letter size when hanging), and are shrink-wrapped for easier shipping and giving. 12 months are filled with my newest paintings from 2015 featuring sainted appliances on the red carpet and out of the kitchen, along with images of scrumptious pieces of cake (baked by my son). Plus, this year in an effort to be more inclusive, there are more holidays than ever, along with a key to help link holidays with their religions. Your purchase will also help support women and children internationally. I will donate 10% of my net profits to a local NJ chapter of Dining for Women, an organization that "funds grassroots programs working in developing countries to fight gender inequality." It's an amazing charity that applies 100% of it's chapter contributions to fund grants in developing countries that foster gender equality by helping women and children achieve their potential, become economically stable and overcome social bias. Once you order it, share yours in situ on Instagram with #2016TraillWorksCalendar and tag @traillworks on Instagram. I'd love to see how you've marked it up, hung it up, how you're gifting it, or porting it! Like what you're reading? Don't miss a post by subscribing to TraillWorks: Art Blog through Bloglovin. My next post will highlight conversations with a new collector, and the wall of art where my piece now hangs.
Jennie Traill SchaefferDeemed the Kitchen God's Artist by NJ Savvy Living for my sainted appliances, I'm now known more for my vibrant, meditational paintings of chairs set surprisingly in landscapes. Since relocating to NC from NJ, mothering my two sons, and caring for our rescue pup, Cider, took the lead. Now, that my Durham home studio is renovated it's open again for virtual art coaching and the resumption of my personal art and commissions. The work I make is inspired by my joy of teaching, exploring nature, and traveling. On The Teaching Artist Blog, I share my approach to teaching and educate my readers about my creative process. Join my VIPs for First DibsWORKSHOPSArchives
October 2024
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