“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.”-Gertrude Jekyll
About: This was started to create a 30 day challenge for myself during a month when both of my kids were at camp. I'm an avid, but novice gardener, and decided that this was a great subject to extend my plein air painting interest, tie in my watercolor discipline, establish more mindfulness through my art and get an opportunity to experience my garden beyond tending it. Over the course of 49 days, I completed 30 watercolors featuring various aspects of my backyard garden in West Orange, NJ. I watched the garden change from its July glory to its mid-August state of mostly spent flowers and yellowing leaves. Seeing the watercolors now, I can observe a shift from pure observation to invention. I hope you will find one or more that speaks to you and helps bring the joys of the outside, in.