Mint Hemlock
Image Transfer and Watercolor on Strathmore CP Watercolor Paper
Mounted on Cradled Wood Panel
Available unframed or framed
5" x 7"
Part of Jennie’s new series of Tea Scapes that combine image transfers of tea packaging with layered landscapes of environments she’s explored, to both salvage detritus from the trash, as well as depicting a need for space and increased mindfulness.
This was created earlier this year after a visit to South Mountain Reservation's own Hemlock Falls, a 25' waterfall located not far from my home. A visit to this waterfall always grounds me, produces a sense of awe and wonder of what nature is capable of. Mint, which is the tea flavor under the watercolor, has rejuvenating and energizing properties - much the same as the power of a waterfall.
"The Waterfall" by Mary Oliver:
"For all the said,
I could not see the waterfall
until I came and saw the water falling,
its lace legs and its womanly arms sheeting down,
while something howled like thunder,
over the rocks,
all day and all night –
like ribbons made of snow,
or god’s white hair.
At any distance
it fell without a break or seam, and slowly, a simple
preponderance –
a fall of flowers – and truly it seemed
surprised by the unexpected kindness of the air and
light-hearted to be
flying at last.
Gravity is a fact everybody
knows about.
It is always underfoot,
like a summons,
gravel-backed and mossy,
in every beetled basin –
and imagination –
that striver,
that third eye –
can do a lot but
hardly everything. The white, scrolled
wings of the tumbling water
I never could have
imagined. And maybe there will be,
after all,
some slack and perfectly balanced
blind and rough peace, finally,
in the deep and green and utterly motionless pools after all that
Will be available in a virtual group show.