Calming Poppies
Image Transfer and Watercolor on Strathmore CP Watercolor Paper
Mounted on Cradled Wood Panel
Available unframed or framed
7" x 5"
Part of Jennie’s new series of Tea Scapes that combine image transfers of tea packaging with layered landscapes of environments she’s explored, to both salvage detritus from the trash, as well as depicting a need for space and increased mindfulness.
The poppy ended up being the perfect match for the surface coated in the packaging from Traditional Medicinal's Throat Coat tea. I spotted the poppies growing wild in Jackson, Wyoming and was driven to photograph them. I've always been in love with their colors and structure. This particular piece was created more immediately, as I stopped early on in the process leaving the painting more abstracted than the previous works.
4/15 Available through Art for All - a percentage of sales go to their benefit.